Tuesday 26 February 2013

Steps in Making Solar Energy from Scratch

How to MAKE Solar Panels from scratch for FREE!!

Solar panel is the assembly of enormous photovoltaic cells that are interconnected to generate electricity for both commercial and residential application. It has several panels, which is rated by the DC power, which ranges between 100W to 300W.

 The cost of fossil fuel and the negative environmental impacts is rising rapidly. There has been emphasis on usage of renewable and clean energy. The most convenient means of overcoming these problems is by harnessing power from the sun. In fact human beings have been agitating for application of solar energy.

Steps in making solar energy from scratch

 Making a template

 The first step involved in solar panel making from scratch is creating a template. This is done by arranging such materials as plywood, a cardboard, tile spacers and staple guns in a manner that fits the size of solar cell. Tile spacers is used to make the solar cells even. Use jigsaw to cut a plywood and a ruler that aids in aligning it.

 Putting the frame together

 The next step involved in making the solar is putting the frame together. Take a regular plywood and cut it to fit the out plywood. Make sure that the pieces of the plywood are not too high that can block the sun rays from hitting it. Place the upper part of the treated plywood and sand the entire frame.

 Applying Dec and Siding pain in the frame

 Apply Dec and Siding pains onto the frame. Two coats give a good seal for UV rays as well as making it water proof. Allow the paints to dry by putting it in a cool place.

 Connecting the solar cells

 You should have noticed that the lower part of the solar cells is a positive side, whereas the top of the solar cells has a negative side. Now connect the cells in series. Ensure that you have more cells that will yield your expected voltage. Use a soldering iron and tabbing wire to connect the cells in series. Create a frame that can support Plexiglas. Use silicon and wood screws to put together the frame and the plywood panel consisting the solar panel.

 Application of beads of silicon

 Apply beads of silicon round the entire edges of Plexiglas which will contact the shape. Tighten by pressing it down to create a seal and screw in your wood screws. Inspect your panels to ensure that no gap that can allow water entrance. This is a solar panel made of scratch materials.

 The benefits of installing a solar panel on your own

 Making solar panel from scratches and installing on your own is a process of exploration. You got to know new ideas, which never existed in your thoughts. You can as well invent other ideas which relates to solar panel that will improve and modify it.


 It is cheap to install the solar panel on your own. Cost involving hiring of expertise is reduced considerably.

 Increased status
 Confidence and competence of the perceived individual increase, which will as well boost the status.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Go Green - Where Can You Start?

No matter if you are a tree hugger or just looking to save a bit of money, converting to green energy in your home will make a huge difference. Keep reading for useful advice, and tips on how to incorporate green energy into the technology that your house and family uses today. 

Solar Panels
To reduce your energy consumption and live a greener lifestyle, consider purchasing a home which already has green amenities. For example, an increasing number of real estate properties offer windmills, solar panels or other energy saving or green options for the socially conscious individual. Get a jump start on greening your home by purchasing one which is already green!
If you are building a new house from the ground up, build with green energy in mind. Make sure that your property has enough room for a wind turbine, or add on a roof that is sloped correctly for solar panels. This will help to make alternative energy sources a reality for you, and save you money over having to make many conversions later on. 
Remember that solar panels, whether you install them on your roof or anywhere else on your property, must be angled toward the sun to receive maximum exposure. In the Northern Hemisphere, this means facing them south with an angle of latitude plus fifteen degrees. Otherwise, your investment will not return as much energy as you hope. 
Go ahead and do some research on solar panels. You can find out a lot about how they truly benefit the environment. Don't become discouraged at their price, a lot of companies offer payment plans when you purchase solar panels for your home. The government also helps you by giving you a tax write off. 
Invest in solar power for your home. Adding a few solar panels to your roof can actually decrease the cost of heating or cooling your home by up to 50%! Talk to a professional about where best to install them on your roof, as the placement is very important to get the optimal amount of direct sunlight. 
For green energy consumption, you might want to consider an alternative source for your power needs like solar power. If you live in an area with high sunlight year round, you can install these solar panels on your roof and supply parts of your home with this free and clean energy from the sun. 
Think outside of the box. While many people think 'solar' panels when they think of green energy, there are other ways to take advantage of the sun. If you are building a new home, consider incorporating passive solar design into the home. By building with materials such as concrete or adobe and taking advantage of the sun's natural heat with south-facing windows, you can create a home that will naturally heat itself in the winter and stay cool in the summer. 
Use portable solar panels. Small solar panels are now available for the home, and some of them are very affordable. By putting the power of the sun to work in your home, you will not use as much electricity to power your devices, which can save you a good deal of money. 
If you are in the process of, or planning to, design your own home, you can build some green energy sources right into your home from the beginning. Start by looking for land that has a water source such as a creek or room for wind turbines. Another good idea is to choose a roof with solar panels built in. You can even position them to get the most out of sunlight. 
Whatever your reasons for wanting to go green, stick with them! Saving money is in everyone's interest, as is working for a cleaner environment. Hopefully, you have learned enough from this article to begin putting green energy to work in your home, to see significant savings and feel better about the impact you have on the environment very soon.